Kaily Liu

Currently, I'm a third year student at Penn studying Networked and Social Systems Engineering with minors in Math and Fine Arts. NETS is an interdisciplinary major that combines computer science with coursework that emphasizes technology, digital impact, and social policy.

Outside of class, I work as a research assistant at the Computational Social Science Lab at Penn where I contribute to projects related to understanding altruistic behavior and group dynamics.

In the future, I want to code cool products that explore the intersection of humanity and technology, specifically in the realms of social impact, digital media, and design.

It seems like you're using a phone (or some other unusually small/wide display). To see some of the stuff I've worked on, switch to a device with a larger (or narrower?) screen size. In the meantime, consider giving your eyes a break and listening to this playlist with some of my favorite songs.

- Kaily


πŸ’» Leonardo DiCaprio Detector

πŸ’» Pine - A Personalized News App

🎨 Final Portfolio - Art, Design, and Digital Culture

πŸ’» EDA and Prediction on Global Temperature Data Since 1750

πŸ’» Spotify Dashboard (Data)

πŸ’» Spotify Dashboard


πŸ’» BenBook - The Penn Facebook

🎨 Final Portfolio - Drawing I

πŸ’» Plotify

πŸ’» Common Onion Twitter Bot

πŸ’» Understanding the Relationship Between Seniority and Congressional Committee


πŸ’» Modified 2048


πŸ’» kailyliu.com